Seattle General Dentists Explain Oral Health Issues Facing Seniors

Seniors may face a number of dental problems, in spite of regular brushing and flossing.


Older adults may experience sensitivity in their teeth due to various factors. As you age, your gums tend to recede. This can expose root areas of teeth which are not covered with enamel. The root areas are especially prone to pain from hot or cold beverages and food, or sweet or sour (acidic) beverages and food. Even cold air can cause sensitivity. An anti-sensitivity toothpaste may solve the problem, but if you still are sensitive, make an appointment to see Dr. Jorge, a Seattle general dentist at the Dental & Denture Clinic, Inc. Your sensitivity may be caused by a cracked or fractured tooth condition or a cavity.

Dry Mouth

This apparently trivial condition, a lack of saliva, can cause major dental problems for you. Saliva functions as part of your immune system, among other things. Saliva washes pathogens (disease-causing agents) off your teeth and helps to reduce the amount of harmful bacteria and other pathogens in your mouth. Dry mouth frequently occurs with seniors, and can be caused by medications or medical disorders.

Older people tend to take more medicines — half of all Americans over 60 take at least three medicines regularly. The more medicines you take, the more likely you are to take one which causes dry mouth. About 400 prescription drugs and many nonprescription (over-the-counter) drugs cause a decrease in saliva production and cause dry mouth, including non-prescription cold remedies and antihistamines, anti-depressants, some beta-blockers, anti-hypertensives and diuretics.

Dry mouth can be caused by various medical conditions or the medicines used to treat them, including diabetes, cancer being treated with chemotherapy, Parkinson’s Disease, and Sjogren’s Syndrome. Untreated dry mouth can harm your teeth. Dr. Jorge and his staff can recommend various methods to reverse dry mouth, as well as treatments or medications to help prevent the problems associated with the condition.

Health Conditions

Health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, or cancer can have an effect your oral health. Tell your dentist about any general health issues you’re facing, so that he or she can take these into consideration in treating you.


Cavities and other decay on the roots of teeth are a frequent problem for seniors. To prevent this , should brush and floss every day, and make regular appointments with your dentist.


Dentures are necessary for many seniors, but they can cause problems if care isn’t taken with their use. They can become ill-fitting over time as the structures in your mouth change. Plaque and tartar can build up on them, and mouth sores can be caused if they aren’t properly cleaned. Denture wearers in Richmond Beach, Washington and surrounding areas should make an appointment to see Dr. Jorge and his staff if any denture problems occur. Even if you don’t have any problems associated with wearing dentures, it’s a good idea to have an annual check-up.

Gum Disease

Gum disease is, unfortunately, another problem found more often in older people. There are a number of causes of gum disease including:

* Bad diet

* Bad oral hygiene

* Diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer

* Life style factors such as stress and smoking

* Certain medications

If the dry mouth discussed above is not treated, gingivitis or even severe periodontitis can occur.